Cryptocurrency continues its worming into broader culture, and now it’s the turn of Bitcoin Cash (BCH). This week, rapper Lil Windex dropped a narrative-driven video, Bitcoin Ca$h, surprising his giant fan base with a new tune to potentially get booties shaking and more people woke to decentralized currency. News.Bitcoin.com caught up with the artist hours after his song’s official release, hoping to find out more about motives behind the single one popular website termed “ridiculously great”.
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Lil Windex Promotes Bitcoin Ca$h in Latest Single
Online tastemaker Mashable deemed the cut “glorious”. By contrast, humorless snobs owned by media conglomerate Univision Communications Inc., Gizmodo, seemed incredibly put-upon by Bitcoin Ca$h, the latest single from Canadian rap upstart Lil Windex. “We’re all the poorer for it,” the headline signaled. Frumpy American progressive online magazine Slate (it too is owned by a conglomerate, Graham Holdings Company) was slightly more encouraging, referring to the song as “ambitious”.

Perhaps giant corporate media is incapable of looking upon cryptocurrency generally as much more than a curiosity, and Lil Windex’ outrageous presentation combined with his recent advocacy just plain confuses them. News.Bitcoin.com asked the rapper about the video’s narrative, which shows him go from broke to baller as a result of being schooled on the many advantages of bitcoin cash. How much of that is biographical versus just a story device?
“A little bit of both,” Lil Windex offered, “I’m vested in BCH, I’ve made some money, but being that it’s way newer than bitcoin and hasn’t seen the same gains, I haven’t made a billion or anything. I’m prophesying (see I know big words) my hopes for what the currency might do for my life down the road. If it goes to the moon, who knows, maybe I can be a cool rich guy with a mansion and a lambo like all those other crypto millionaires .. hit up yacht clubs n shit .. talk about biscuits or whatever they talk about.”
He hails from Canada, British Columbia (BC) in particular. According to various speculative reports, BC has a very active underground hip hop scene, of which Dylan Godfrey, initially known as DTG and now Lil Windex, was a tangential part. His previous comedic stylings got him noticed, and when the time came to satirize the current state of rap, it appears he could not resist. His first couple of videos rated in the millions of views, complete with haters out in droves but also many more admirers. News.Bitcoin.com asked him if it is all just a goof, a kind of joke the audience enjoys playing along with.
He shot back, “This is my full time job. What do you think I’m some sort of clown? I rap and I sell records. There’s a lot of whack music out there, so I’m cleaning up the rap game. People can think whatever they want, I dont give a shit man. I literally don’t even read comments anymore, if you don’t like me its all gravy! . RIKIKI! (Btw you probably shouldn’t toss the “goof” word out there like that).” Noted.

Bitcoin Core Is Going Against Satoshi’s Original Vision
News.Bitcoin.com also asked if there’s a danger in mixing satire with education, that maybe people might think he’s making fun of crypto, not taking it seriously. “It is what it is, I’m not a role model, everyone will interpret the video differently,” he explained. “I did this for fun. I think crypto is dope, I fuck with it, and use it myself, and I thought it would be fun to make a video to help bring more mainstream awareness to blockchain technology … and do it in a way nobody else has … ya diiiiiig? RIKIKI.”
His mentor in the video uses a Bitcoin.com Wallet, which recently surpassed two million downloads, to demonstrate the power of bitcoin cash. From there, the two discuss quite explicitly how crypto is mined and used. In the next scenes, the rapper as protagonist sees a considerable increase in his lifestyle, which includes the requisite firearms, jewelry, and lovely ladies.
What might be the most striking aspect of his song, and could stir even wider controversy in the ecosystem, is his end rant about Bitcoin Core, specifically those who make up the developers and current minders of the project. News.Bitcoin.com asked him about the ongoing debate between bitcoin core and bitcoin cash, and how much he knows about it.
“I know enough. I don’t like anyone sticking their hands in my pockets, which is why I believe in crypto,” he insisted. “Fuck the government and all that. I think it could be a huge benefit to the world, and from my understanding, Bitcoin core is basically going against Satoshi’s original vision. I believe in decentralization (another big word), low fees, and fast transactions. I’m not an expert, but from what I’ve read, Bitcoin core is backed by special interests and haven’t listened to desires of the crypto community. That’s whacksauce, so fuck’em. The market will choose the better product, and I think that’s BCH; all and all though, whatever happens, I’m not too worried. I’ll still be doing my thing; who knows what the future will behold. Always have a backup. BRIKIIIIKIIKI *and other random bird noises*.”
Do you think crypto making it into rap is a positive development? Let us know in the comments below.
Images via Pixabay, Ephin. Jake Smith and Roger Ver contributed sourcing.
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