A crypto startup is seeking a skilled applicant to assume the role of Meme Specialist. At $48,000 per year plus 1% of tokens, they’ll earn more than the average U.S teacher, though there are a few caveats attached. The successful candidate must be blessed with at least 10 years’ experience of procrastination on Reddit and 4chan. Experience in MS Paint is also an advantage.
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Don’t Let Your Memes Be Dreams
Memes are the real fuel of the cryptoconomy. Not tokens. Not blockchain. Memes, in all their dank, unadulterated glory. That an Estonian startup should be advertising the position of Meme Specialist is an inspired PR move or proof that we’ve hit peak crypto. Either way, it’s an offer that crypto shitposters may find too good to refuse. After all, there aren’t many jobs that will pay you $900 a week to post the illest memes from the comfort of your own bed.
Cynics may complain that an ICO with 192 Twitter followers seeking a Meme Specialist – prior to its pre-sale, no less – is simply seeking attention. Cynics would be right, but then how else is ECOS supposed to rustle up interest in its blockchain for the food chain – by banging on about the transformative potential of distributed ledgers? For all ECOS’ shortcomings, soliciting a “ninja of memology” was a masterstroke.
Advanced Memetics to Disrupt the Food Industry
The posting on Crypto Jobs List doesn’t specify the sort of memes that might be deemed suitable for a decentralized food industry project. There’s no word on whether they’re looking for exploitable image macros, rare Pepes, pink Wojaks, or something even more subversive. All that’s specified is that the right applicant has “Passed 4 grade in comprehensive school”, excels in “laughter, irony, cynicism”, and is willing to accept “Bonuses in kittens and puppies”. It’s all very frivolous, it’s true. But amidst the doom and gloom permeating the crypto space, anything that can elicit a laugh has got to be welcomed.
There’s every chance that ECOS’ ICO will prove to be a disaster, but their marketing game is on point, and for that they deserve credit. Well memed, obscure Estonian startup. Well memed.
What would you bring to the role of Meme Specialist? Let us know in the comments section below.
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