Bitcoin cash is continuing to gather more support among users and service providers, with the latest example coming from Bitpay. The service now allows merchants to accept BCH payments via its Pos app, and settlement is expected soon too so that retailers can keep their proceeds in the cryptocurrency.
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Bitpay BCH Checkout
Bitpay, the digital asset service provider based in Atlanta, Georgia, has recently updated its Checkout point-of-sale (Pos) mobile app to add support for bitcoin cash (BCH). This means that retail stores that use Bitpay to enable payments from clients can now generate BCH payment codes on the spot using a phone or tablet.
Checkout allows merchants to accept cryptocurrency payments directly on a mobile device, and orders can be priced in more than 150 currencies. It offers features designed for service businesses, including multi-employee checkout, optional on-screen tipping, simple tip reporting, and matching of order IDs entered from another point-of-sale system.
After only supporting BTC for many years, the company has been expanding its support for BCH recently. Just at the beginning of last month, it announced that BCH transfers can be applied to the firm’s Visa card invoice loads.
BCH Settlement Coming Soon Too
In addition to the development with Checkout, Bitpay is apparently preparing to roll out more features based on BCH for businesses. Answering requests from bitcoin cash fans for adding an option for settlement in the cryptocurrency, the company’s support team has revealed on Twitter that they are working on it and that it can be expected “soon.” This means that Bitpay’s merchant clients will be able to simply keep their sales proceeds in BCH if they so choose, instead of receiving an equivalent amount converted into BTC or USD.
Unfortunately, the new BCH-improved services from Bitpay won’t be available for all types of businesses. Earlier this year the company updated its Terms of Use agreement to ban the sale of explicit sexual content (porn), guns or ammo, controlled substances (drugs) and more.
What other services should add BCH support? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Bitpay.
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