On September 1, 2018, Bitcoin Cash ecosystem participants have plans to conduct a network stress test which will involve individuals and groups sending millions of transactions throughout the course of one day. With the BCH stress test day approaching soon, BCH proponents have been testing sending large amounts of small transactions at one time and have built tools that fan out hundreds of microtransactions at once.
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Stress Testers Unite Hoping to Light Up the Bitcoin Cash Network with Millions of Transactions on September 1
In about two weeks, the Bitcoin Cash network will be tested for strength and reliability with the first of many stress tests planned. On September 1, 2018, BCH network participants plan on slamming the peer-to-peer system with a vast amount of transactions in a small period of time. Supporters of the community-driven stress test day are hoping to broadcast millions of transactions that day and some people have decided to practice early by lighting up the network with roughly 687,000 transactions in one day on August 1.

Scale.cash and Memo Games
Stresstestbitcoin.cash promoters want everyone to participate on September 1st, so a few individuals and groups have created transaction broadcasting tools to accelerate the process, and even some Memo.cash games. For example, the Twitter handle @SpendBCH_io has created a tool called Scale.cash that lets people send thousands of on-chain transactions all at once in a very simple way.

The platform powered by Bitbox provides users with the ability to create a new wallet or import funds from an existing wallet. Users can simply deposit 15,000 to 1,300,000 satoshis to use the tool and the wallet can be backed up with a WIF, mnemonic, and proof of tx signature. Fan-out transactions require one confirmation to start broadcasting the rest, and after the first confirmation the platform will fire off in batches of 20 at 500txs per minute. The BCH developer and Bitbox creator Gabriel Cardona has written a step-by-step walkthrough for Scale.cash which can be found at Bitcoin.com’s developer portal.

Users can also follow @StressTestBCH on Twitter for up-to-date information concerning September stress test day. Users can also play games on memo.cash if they want to participate that day. For instance, Yobits is throwing a challenge where users can guess the total number of transactions on stress test day. The guessing game is only 10,000 satoshis to play and the reward will go to the closest guess.

Stress Test Preparations Have Propelled Record Breaking Transactions in One Day, While Also Invoking Very Large Blocks
Since June 29, transactions on the Bitcoin Cash chain have spiked considerably since people have been preparing for the stress test on September 1. Following that day the chain has seen transaction daily spikes of around 40,000- 100,000 tx per day and as mentioned above, cracked 687,000 on August 1. Stress testers are still continuously experimenting by sending hundreds of transactions at a time in preparation for the first of September and on August 19 the network processed 128,000 tx.

Meanwhile, as BCH participants throw thousands of transactions at the network, BCH miners have been occasionally processing very large blocks to clear the mempool. The day bitcoin cash shattered bitcoin core’s (BTC) daily transaction record, an unknown mining pool and Viabtc processed 3MB, 6MB, and 8MB blocks. On August 19, BCH miners such as BTC.com, Viabtc, and Coingeek processed a bunch of blocks between 1.5MB – 4.7MB clearing transactions in one fell swoop. Bitcoin Cash supporters are looking forward to September 1 so they can see millions of transactions thrown at the network, because they truly believe the protocol can handle the throughput. As the saying goes, the best way to find out is for supporters to put their money where their mouth is, by pushing the network to the limit.
What do you think about the BCH network stress test planned for September 1? Do you plan on participating? Let us know what you think about this subject matter in the comment section below.
Images via Shutterstock, Bitinfocharts, Memo.cash, and Bitcoin.com.
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