During the first month of 2018, news.Bitcoin.com reported on a bitcoin cash (BCH) tip bot called Tippr, which distributes thousands of BCH tips on Reddit and Twitter. This week, according to Tippr statistics just on Reddit alone, the tip bot has tipped people over $100,000 worth of bitcoin cash (76 BCH) since the app’s launch.
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Bitcoin Cash Bot Tippr Sends $100,000 Worth of Bitcoin Cash Across Reddit
Because bitcoin cash transactions (tx) have really low network fees that typically average around $0.003 per tx, sending micro-transactions and tips happens regularly within the BCH community. For instance, for a very long time, every Tuesday patrons of the Reddit forum r/btc celebrate ‘Tipping Tuesday’ a day where lots of tips are sent to bitcoin cash fans on Reddit. Usually, when people are tipping funds on Reddit they use a platform called Tippr a tipping bot that can send BCH transactions by command and the app is also used on Twitter. While perusing through lots of cryptocurrency Twitter threads the Tippr bot can be seen tipping people small fractions of BCH as anyone can use the platform to send transactions to people.

Since Tippr was launched the platform has seen over $100,000 worth of bitcoin cash transactions since its integration with Reddit. Statistics detail that Reddit users have sent 34,227 BCH tips to over 15,000 unique users. Furthermore, the Reddit users u/asicshack ($7,582), u/jarenfeser ($5,390), u/grant-meaccess ($4,649) u/mobitcoinsmoproblems ($3,735), and u/cryptorebel ($3,370) are the top five tippers today.
Scrolling through the app’s profile timeline on Twitter, people can also see a bunch of BCH micro-transactions being dispersed throughout the social media platform. Tippr also has an index which explains how people can use the Tippr bot commands online.
“Tippr is a bitcoin cash tipbot for Reddit and Twitter that allows you to reward good content,” explain’s Tippr’s tutorial.
See something you like, want to support the author? Then reward them by leaving a tip — How generous is up to you.

15,000 Unique Users Have Received BCH Tips, and Tippr Is Used Frequently on Twitter as Well
Reddit users like u/rawb0t ($4,290), u/singularity87 ($3,939), u/kain_niak ($3,079), u/deadalnix ($2,872), and u/chronoscrypto ($2,580) have been tipped the most. When using the bot on Reddit users simply call “/u/tippr” and enter the amount of BCH they want to send to specific Reddit users. On Twitter write “$0.50 @tipprbot” or any amount they want to send and tag another Twitter user (the receiver) in the post.

BCH proponents can also use another tipping platform on Reddit called Chaintip. The Chaintip app also works with Github and on Reddit. BCH users often use either Tippr or Chaintip for sending micro-transactions on the forum’s platform. The Tippr bot was created and operated by the payment processing firm and digital goods marketplace Rocketr.
What do you think about Tippr bot sending over $100K in bitcoin cash transactions? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comment section below.
Images via Pixabay, Reddit, tsbw.io, Tippr, and Twitter.
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