Leading Crypto Markets Post Worst Year of Monthly Price Action on Record

When looking at monthly market performance, 2018 was the bloodiest year in the history of the cryptocurrency markets. Of the seven largest cryptocurrencies by market cap, only three were able to produce more than two green monthly candles during 2018.

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BTC and ETH Produce Most Red Monthly Candles in Calendar Year Ever

In 2018, bitcoin core (BTC) saw the most red monthly candles in its history, posting three green and nine red monthly candles throughout the year. BTC gained 2% during the month of February, 33% April, and 21% July. The price of BTC fell by roughly 73% during 2018, opening the year trading for $13,900 and closing 2018 at roughly $3,700.

Leading Crypto Markets Post Worst Year of Monthly Price Action on Record
BTC/USD – Bitstamp – 1M, 2018

Based on monthly performance, the second most-bloody year in BTC’s history was 2014, during which BTC posted four green and eight red monthly candles. In 2014, BTC fell by 56% from $730 to $320.

Leading Crypto Markets Post Worst Year of Monthly Price Action on Record
BTC/USD – Bitstamp – 1M, 2014

ETH also posted its poorest annual performance during 2018 with three green and nine red monthly candles. The price of ETH gained 53% in January, nearly 75% in April, and 19% in December of last year. Overall, ETH shed nearly 82% of its value during 2018, falling from roughly $735 to start 2019 trading for $135.

Leading Crypto Markets Post Worst Year of Monthly Price Action on Record
ETH/USD – Poloniex (Estimated by Tradingview) – 1M, 2018

XLM Posts Strongest Monthly Performance of Top Markets

Stellar (XLM) was the strongest performing cryptocurrency of 2018 when counting green candles, posting four green and eight red candles during last year. XLM started 2018 with a gain of 53% in January, before gaining 103% in April, 44% during July, and 17% in September.

Leading Crypto Markets Post Worst Year of Monthly Price Action on Record
XLM/USD – Bittrex (Estimated by Tradingview) – 1M, 2018

Despite performing better than many other crypto assets during 2018, XLM posted its worst performing year on record. XLM lost 67% during last year, opening 2018 at $0.35 and closing the year below $0.12.

BCH, XRP, EOS, and LTC Post Just Two Green Monthly Candles During 2018

BCH posted green months during April and July of 2018, during which it gained 97% and less than 4% respectively. Overall, BCH shed roughly 94% of its value last year, trading for nearly $2,400 at the start of January and closing the year at roughly $150.

Leading Crypto Markets Post Worst Year of Monthly Price Action on Record
BCH/USD – Kraken – 1M, 2018

XRP’s sole green months for the year were April and September, which saw monthly gains of 66% and 74%. XRP posted an annual loss of 82%, falling from nearly $1.97 to end 2018 trading for $0.36.

Leading Crypto Markets Post Worst Year of Monthly Price Action on Record
XRP/USD – Bitfinex – 1M, 2018

EOS saw bullish action during January and April of last year, during which the market posted gains of 59% and 195% respectively. EOS dropped by 78% during 2018, sliding from $12.17 to close the year at $2.62.

Leading Crypto Markets Post Worst Year of Monthly Price Action on Record
EOS/USD – Bitfinex – 1M, 2018

LTC Produces Second-Most Bearish Year on Record

During 2018, LTC posted modest monthly price gains in February and April, with LTC increasing by 23% and 28%. Overall, LTC fell by 86% last year.

Leading Crypto Markets Post Worst Year of Monthly Price Action on Record
LTC/USD – Coinbase – 1M, 2018

Despite the heavy losses, 2018 comprised LTC’s second most-bearish year on record. During 2014, LTC fell 88% from roughly $23.80 to $2.75, and only posted a single green monthly candle.

Leading Crypto Markets Post Worst Year of Monthly Price Action on Record
LTC/USD – Bitfinex – 1M, 2014

Do you think the worst of the bear trend has already passed? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Tradingview.

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