Over the last few days, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) enthusiasts have been meeting online to mix BCH using the Cashshuffle mixing software for the Electron Cash wallet. A few shuffling milestones took place this week, culminating on Feb. 25 when a massive shuffle saw 152 BCH ($20,000) mixed together in one transaction.
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Cashshuffle Participants Explore Privacy-Centric Transactions
Privacy is important to most cryptocurrency proponents, and over the last four days, BCH fans have been testing the Cashshuffle platform in order to bolster more fungible transactions. Cashshuffle is a project that’s been developed by members of the Electron Cash team and other BCH programmers. The protocol allows users to create obfuscated transactions by shuffling them together with other participants using a mixing method called Coinjoin. At the moment, there is a Cashshuffle plugin available for the Electron Cash wallet so people can test the pre-release version. Cashshuffle contributor Josh Ellithorpe revealed on Jan. 14 that the protocol was being audited by Kudelski Security in order to make sure the software was robust.

BCH supporters have been gathering online and mixing coins together using the Cashshuffle protocol. For instance, on Feb. 23, a well known BCH user called ‘Checksum0’ explained one of the first large mixing milestones using the Cashshuffle protocol.
“Cashshuffle just achieved a new record, a shuffling round for 1 BCH including 15 participants, a transaction of over $8,500,” Checksum0 explained. “Cashshuffle is increasing the privacy of its participants and making it harder for chain analysis company to do their work.”

The $20,000 Shuffle
In addition to the participants joining in on the shuffling action, BCH supporter Collin Enstad published a tutorial for people who want to learn how to use the Cashshuffle platform. “One of the Bitcoin Cash projects I’m most excited for finally came out with an easy way to use is Cashshuffle,” Enstad stated after publishing his walkthrough. On Feb. 26, someone asked Openbazaar developer Chris Pacia if there was a difference between Coinshuffle and BTC’s Coinjoin protocol, to which Pacia replied:
It is Coinjoin, but the communication with the server and other participants is done in such a way that nobody else can figure out the mapping between inputs and outputs.
A shuffle that took place on Monday really excited BCH fans when approximately 152 BCH ($20,000) was mixed into a single transaction. Community members on forums and social media celebrated the large transaction by sharing the blockchain explorer link with others. Checksum0 also shared information on the record-breaking shuffle once again and explained the mix may have been the largest shuffle ever recorded.
“Another day, another first for Cashshuffle — We just completed what is, to my knowledge, the largest Coinjoin/Coinshuffle transaction based on total transacted coins,” Checksum0 remarked.
What do you think about the Cashshuffle protocol and the $20,000 shuffle? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.
Image credits: Shutterstock, Github, and Twitter.
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