How To Buy S&P 100 Stocks With Bitcoin

AAPL BTC Apple stock market

How to buy stocks with bitcoin? Perhaps surprisingly, stocks and shares have been unnecessarily difficult to buy using bitcoin, despite many brokers offering trades in both. However, trading platform has just listed the entire Standard and Poor 100 stocks, to trade against bitcoin.

Buy Stocks With Bitcoin: Rare As Hens Teeth

Despite the seemingly natural cross-over in the two markets, direct trading of bitcoin 00 for stocks has been notable in its absence. A quick Google search will throw back several pages explaining how to buy stock in bitcoin, which are best avoided for obvious reasons.

However, the only result which seems to be on the right track is an article shilling a site called 1broker. Clicking the link warns of spoofing and dodgy certificates, and typing the site address into the browser bar, informs you that the domain has been seized by the FBI.

Tokenize and Fractionalize

But now, users can now use bitcoin to buy stock in Apple, Facebook, Netflix, Ford, Boeing, and ninety-five other companies. Using tokenized and fractionalized smart contracts (TFSSC), clients can buy, sell and hold stock in the whole S&P 100.

The platform intends to increase this functionality to cover the entire S&P 500 share index, and it isn’t stopping there. The UK’s FTSE 100, Germany’s DAX, and Japan’s Nikkei 225 are all in its sights. Plus other major markets including Brazil, France, and Korea, and several ETFs.

CME Bitcoin futures price volume up

Crypto Trading

Buying the stock is a simple enough process. Simply add or purchase bitcoin through your trading account, then choose the stock you wish to trade and the amount of bitcoin you want to spend. Voila!

Initially, all of these stocks will form trading pairs with bitcoin, but WorldMarkets may add support for future trading against other cryptocurrencies, such as Ethereum or Dash.

Additionally, users can already trade cryptocurrency pairs combining several major tokens. These include bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, Bitcoin Cash, Ripple, Monero, IOTA, and more.

At the same time, Bitcoinist reminds you that only keep money on exchanges that you are willing to lose. Not your private keys, not your cryptocurrency. But you already knew that right?

Raise Your Cap

It isn’t really clear if stock/bitcoin trading pairs have been requested by WorldMarkets users, or simply added ‘because they can.’ No doubt, if it turns out to be a popular feature, it will be popping up on your favorite trading platform soon.

Less than a quarter of those stocks listed in the S&P 100 currently have a market cap higher than that of bitcoin. At its peak in December last year, bitcoin out-valued almost 95 percent of the stocks listed.

Meanwhile, as stock markets have also been tumbling recently, some are speculating further gains for BTC price.

Would you buy stock with bitcoin and cryptocurrency? Share your thoughts below!

Images courtesy of Shutterstock

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